Somali Family Service of San Diego
San Diego County
Uplifting Refugee Families
“My daughter has been diagnosed with asthma since 2017, so five years. The symptoms my daughter first experienced were having shortness of breath, non-stop coughing in the middle of the night and she started becoming weak. I wasn’t able to go to work due to the fact that I feared my daughter suffering an asthma attack without proper help.”
“Gabadhayda waxaa laga halay naf sandku markuu ahaa 2017 waxay nafta qabtaa ilaa shan sano calaamadah gabadheydu haysato waxaa ka mid ah nafta oo ku yaraatah qufac aan kala jogsi lahan ilaa kala berka habeenkii waxay bilowdaah in ay tabartu ku yarto ma awodo in aan shaqo aado sababto ah cabsi aan ka qabo in ay naftu si xun u qabato ayada oo aan haysan caawin”
About Somali Family Service of San Diego
Somali Family Service of San Diego is a non-profit organization that empowers immigrants, refugees, and other underserved communities.
Ku saabsan Somali Family Service of San Diego
Adeegga Qoyska Soomaaliyeed ee San Diego (Somali Family Service of San Diego) waa hay’ad aan faa’iido doon ahayn oo awood siisa muhaajiriinta, qaxootiga, iyo bulshooyinka kale ee aan loo adeegin