Taking the Lead in Responding to a Generational Economic Opportunity
California is on the cusp of receiving an unprecedented level of financial investments to strengthen its climate resiliency, transportation infrastructure, and housing. The Center at Sierra Health Foundation’s Community Economic Mobilization Initiative (CEMI) is an inclusive and equitable effort to build knowledge and capacity with California nonprofits and tribal partners, equipping them to participate in these funding opportunities, which they have been historically excluded from.
Preparing for an Unprecedented Level of Financial Investment
$50 Billion
$43 Billion
$565 Million
The size of the investments listed above and their timelines for deployment have placed intense political and social pressure on economic development organizations to quickly ramp up planning activities. Communities that are under-resourced and home to vulnerable and marginalized populations have been historically left out of these processes and investments. That’s exactly where CEMI comes in: CEMI is an innovative effort to advance equity, inclusion and the goals of federal and state climate-resilient economic development initiatives.
CEMI Funded Partners
CEMI’s $15.3 million investment in 52 nonprofit partners throughout California supports organizations and leaders in leveraging public funds for meaningful community change. Locally, partners are building power for climate-resilient economic development that addresses historic and persistent inequities. Together, we are creating an inclusive economy that benefits every community across California.
- 4th Second
- AAPI Equity Alliance
- Action Council of Monterey County, Inc.
- Alianza Coachella Valley
- California Association for Microenterprise Opportunity
- California Calls for Education Fund (Million Voter Project)
- California Heritage: Indigenous Research Project
- Catalyst California
- Center for Empowered Politics Education Fund
- Central Valley Community Foundation
- Chaffey College Foundation
- Chinese Progressive Association
- City Heights Community Development Corporation
- Comite Civico Del Valle, Inc. (Imperial Valley Equity and Justice Coalition)
- Community Alliance with Family Farmers
- Community Development Technologies
- Community for Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Leadership (CIELO)
- Council on American-Islamic Relations California
- Dolores Huerta Foundation
- East Bay Asian Local Development Corporation
- Flintridge Center
- Foundation for California Community Colleges (LAUNCH)
- Friendship House Association of American Indians
- Hope Builders
- Inland Empire Black Worker Center (COPE)
- Inland Empire Community Foundation
- Inland Empire Labor Institute
- Jewish Vocational and Career Counseling Service
- La Familia Counseling Center, Inc.
- Los Angeles Black Worker Center
- Los Angeles Brotherhood Crusade, Black United Fund, Inc.
- Monterey Bay Economic Partnership
- Neighborhood Industries
- Nevada-Sierra Connecting Point Public Authority
- North Bay Jobs with Justice
- Organizacion en California de Lideres Campesinas, Inc.
- Oroville Southside Community Improvement Association
- Pilipino Workers Center of Southern California
- Roots Community Health Center
- San Joaquin Community Foundation
- Siskiyou Economic Development Council
- Small Business Majority Foundation, Inc.
- Stanislaus Equity Partners
- The Anti-Recidivism Coalition
- The Regents of the University of California (UC Berkeley Labor Center)
- The Regents of the University of California, Merced
- Two Feathers Native American Family Services
- United Way California Capital Region
- Utility Reform Network
- Vision y Compromiso
- West Fresno Family Resource Center
- Working Partnerships USA
Core CEMI Components
Capacity-building funding offers ways for community partners to participate in CEMI. The Center manages and regrants the funds.
Technical Assistance and training builds on our funded partners’ existing organizational capacity and includes the CEMI Resources website, a Steering Committee to provide guidance and oversight, peer learning and linkages to support organizing and power-building.
Power building activities mobilize community to create a statewide network to create a statewide advocacy network to amplify and build a grassroots constituency, develop and cultivate relationships with policy champions, and create accountability to ensure that goals are integrated at all levels of activity.
The Year 1 Report
The Center at Sierra Health Foundation partnered with Informing Change to evaluate the first year of our Community Economic Mobilization Initiative (CEMI). The report finds CEMI implementation is strongly aligned with the values articulated by The Center. It also concludes that most staff, funding partners and funded partners have had positive experiences with CEMI.
One CEMI funding partner shared, “The [grant] flexibility has allowed us to look at new ways to impact our community. One of the things we’ve been able to move forward is policy advocacy; we’re hiring someone in DC to champion our community’s needs and advocate for those things. That wouldn’t have been possible without the financial resources we’re getting from CEMI.”
CEMI Resources for Grantee Partners
Visit our online hub of resources which provides training, technical assistance and guidance for community organizations. These resources are designed to help our partner organizations influence inclusive economic development in their communities, cities and regions.
Importance of Inclusive Economic Development
Research from William Julius Wilson, Ron Ferguson, Katharine Bradbury and Robert Triest has shown that to be inclusive, economic development planning and implementation need to be driven by changes in policy as well as practice and funding. Chris Benner and Manuel Pastor, in a paper titled Inclusive Economy Indicators, funded by the Rockefeller Foundation and distributed by Brookings Institute, identified five key components of effective inclusive economic development:
Growth: Increasing good job and work opportunity
Equitable: Upward mobility and reduction of inequality
Sustainability: Social and economic well-being is increasingly sustained over time
Participation: People can access and participate in markets as workers, consumers, and business owners
Stability: Public and private confidence in the future and ability to predict outcome of economic decisions
Join Our Funder Movement
CEMI is funded by a collaborative of philanthropic partners including Sierra Health Foundation, The James Irvine Foundation, Blue Shield of California Foundation, the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, The California Endowment, The California Wellness Foundation, The David and Lucile Packard Foundation and Bank of America. CEMI is managed by The Center.
If you are a funder who would like to drive generational inclusive economic development for communities across California, please contact us for more information.

The Center Awards $3.9 Million for Inclusive Economic Development
July 6, 2023
The Center Announces Second-Round CEMI Grantees
Learn more in the February-March issue of Partnerships.
March 24, 2023
CEMI Announces Inaugural Grantees
November 3, 2022
Virtual Briefing for Community-Based Organizations
November 29, 2022
Access the webinar recording (YouTube.com)
Ensuring Equitable and Sustainable Public Funding: Philanthropy’s Critical Role
SoCal Grantmakers Virtual Event
June 30, 2022
Learn more at SoCalGrantmakers.org
New $15 Million Fund for Inclusive Economic Development
News release
Sierra Health Foundation and The James Irvine Foundation
April 27, 2022
In the Media
UC Santa Cruz scholar receives major new grant to support inclusive community development throughout California
UC Santa Cruz
Dec. 13, 2022
Philanthropy Needs to Ensure That Massive Infrastructure Spending Goes to Communities That Too Often Miss Out
The Chronicle of Philanthropy
June 1, 2022
Sierra Health Foundation and The Center Senior Vice President of Programs and Partnerships Kaying Hang presented at Together for Good: Northern California Grantmakers Annual Conference
May 5, 2022
Project to Help Non-Profits Gain Access to Almost $200B in State and Fed Funds
Observer News Group
May 4, 2022
Sierra Health Foundation and The Center President and CEO Chet P. Hewitt interviewed with KCRA-TV Sacramento
May 3, 2022
California Foundations Look to Ensure Billions in Government Aid Are Allocated Equitably
Inside Philanthropy
Subscription-only access
April 27, 2022
James Irvine Foundation Commits $107 Million to New Prosperity Program
The Chronicle of Philanthropy
Subscription-only access
April 6, 2022
Irvine Foundation awards $35 million, launches $107 million initiative
Philanthropy News Digest
April 4, 2022