COVID-19 Response for our Communities

We are leading and partnering with local, regional and statewide efforts to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and support community members and businesses that are most impacted.

California COVID-19 Community Health and Workplace Outreach Projects

The Center at Sierra Health Foundation partnered with the California Department of Social Services, the California Department of Public Health and the Labor and Workforce Development Agency to support community engagement and public health education and to encourage COVID-19 vaccination among those who have been hardest hit by the pandemic.

Learn more on our California COVID-19 Community Health and Workplace Outreach Project page.

California COVID-19 Public Awareness Campaign

The State of California and The Center at Sierra Health Foundation partnered for the second phase of the State’s public awareness campaign focused on the needs of Latinx, Black and other communities experiencing disproportionate impacts of COVID-19. The campaign used current public health data to prioritize impacted communities, and built on the first phase of the campaign launched by the State. The campaign included rapid deployment of messaging to encourage Californians to follow public health safety measures to keep them and others safe and prevent the spread of the virus, as well as to promote programs and financial support, such as disability, paid sick and family leave.

Learn more on the State of California website. (

COVID-19 Mitigation Project

The Center at Sierra Health Foundation and the State of California’s Department of Health Care Services have partnered on the COVID-19 Mitigation Project to prevent, prepare for and respond to the COVID-19 public health emergency and ensure the continuity of services to support individuals connected to the behavioral health system. Learn more about the COVID Mitigation Project here

COVID-19 Regional Response Funds

In March 2020, we launched three regional response funds with many dedicated funding partners and leaders to raise awareness of the COVID-19 crisis and to invite private and philanthropic contributors to support nonprofit organizations, small businesses and vulnerable populations. Areas of focus included Northern California, Sacramento and the San Joaquin Valley.

Sacramento County COVID-19 Collaborative

The “Collab” is a community partnership supported by the Sacramento County Division of Public Health, The Center at Sierra Health Foundation and multi-ethnic community-based organizations. The Collab supported community members and business owners with up-to-date information, guidelines and resources to stay informed and to stay healthy. Trained Resource Coordinators worked in neighborhoods that were experiencing the worst impacts of COVID-19.

THE CONVERSATION: Between Us, About Us.

THE CONVERSATION / LA CONVERSACIÓN offers an expansive video library featuring a diverse group of healthcare workers of color. It was co-developed by Kaiser Family Foundation with the Black Coalition Against COVID and Unidos US. Sierra Health Foundation was among the funders supporting this important video series.

Learn more on the Kaiser Family Foundation website. (

Together Toward Health

Sierra Health Foundation joined 12 other foundations to pool resources and launch Together Toward Health, an initiative to connect community-based organizations and expand workforce development opportunities for Californians most impacted by COVID-19, and create and amplify public outreach efforts to reduce its spread. Supporting foundations include: The Ballmer Group, Blue Shield of California Foundation, The California Health Care Foundation, Genentech, Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation, Heising-Simons Foundation, The James Irvine Foundation, Sierra Health Foundation, The California Endowment, The California Wellness Foundation, Chan Zuckerberg Initiative and the Weingart Foundation. The Public Health Institute coordinates the fund.

Learn more on the Public Health Institute website. (

Vaccine Equity Campaign

The Vaccine Equity Campaign funds organizations to increase Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC) access to appointments and vaccines, providing transportation, interpreter services, childcare and other supports. Awarded organizations lead community activities that help vulnerable communities get vaccinated and use multiple outreach methods, such as the expertise of community organizers, community health workers and promotoras, while being linked with clinicians who can administer the vaccines. Vaccine Equity Campaign November 2021 funded partners (.pdf).

California Equitable Recovery Initiative

Structural biases in public systems are particularly apparent in the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on certain populations. These biases are undermining our collective ability to improve population health, and addressing them should be central to public health’s response activities.

Learn more on our California Equitable Recovery Initiative page.

California Mortgage Relief Program

The COVID-19 pandemic created inequitable financial hardship for many communities in California, which has the potential to dramatically impact first-generation homeowners and those at or below their county’s area median income.

Learn more on our California Mortgage Relief Program page.