My Brother’s Keeper Sacramento Collaborative

The My Brother’s Keeper (MBK) Sacramento Collaborative is committed to improving the educational, health, social and economic outcomes for local boys and men of color.

The initiative began in response to President Obama’s signing the My Brother’s Keeper Memorandum in February 2014, calling for national attention focused on addressing persistent opportunity gaps faced by boys and young men of color.

MBK Sacramento is bringing systems leaders, advocates, community partners, youth-serving organizations and young people together to address health, education, employment and justice system disparities for young men of color through policy advocacy, systems change and support for effective programs.

More about My Brother's Keeper...

In 2018, The Center at Sierra Health Foundation was selected as a recipient of an Obama Foundation MBK Community Challenge Impact grant to support the MBK Sacramento Collaborative in expanding mentoring and violence intervention efforts.

The MBK Sacramento Collaborative is funded by Sierra Health Foundation and is managed by The Center.

Latest News

MBK Sacramento Celebrates 26 Young People of Color at Rites of Passage Ceremony

On January 15, My Brother’s Keeper (MBK) Sacramento honored 26 young people of color who have successfully completed the program’s 12-week fellowship. This milestone was marked by a Rites of Passage ceremony, celebrating their growth in leadership, workforce development, community-building and civic engagement.

Pictured: New Youth Fellows graduate from Cohort 5 of MBK Youth Fellowship

18 Youth Fellows graduate from Cohort 5 of MBK Youth Fellowship

Congratulations to the 18 Youth Fellows who graduated from Cohort 5 of the MBK Youth Fellowship! This 12-week program focuses on building brotherhood, leadership, workforce development skills and civic engagement advocacy efforts to improve life outcomes for boys and young men of color throughout Sacramento. Read this article by The Sacramento Observer on the Youth Fellowship graduation, and meet the Fellows of Cohort 5 here.

MBK Mental Health is Wealth Summit

MBK Sacramento hosted its first ever Mental Health is Wealth Summit in April 2024. The two-day summit brought together youth-serving organizations and mental health practitioners to share strategies for reducing mental health stigma and building capacity for effective engagement within communities of color. “We identified different policies and practices in order to promote wellness for not just our communities but for all young men of color,” said Ray Green, The Center’s MBK Program Officer.

Mastermind Podcast Series

The MBK Sacramento Youth Fellowship Creative Academy, led by 4YourEpiphany and MBK Sacramento Youth Fellows, presents the Mastermind podcast series to inform, inspire and encourage other young men in Sacramento and beyond to engage in opportunities through the My Brother’s Keeper Sacramento Network.

Podcast topics include Growth Mindset, Entrepreneurship, Mindfulness, Mental Health, and Public Safety and Juvenile Justice.

Access the Mastermind Podcast series on

Pictured:  Poster for the MBK Sacramento Mastermind Podcast Series

Learn more about MBK Sacramento

The Collaborative

Aligned with a collective impact model, the MBK Sacramento Collaborative is designed to support effective and coordinated action across multiple organizations through six elements of engagement.

Obama Foundation

The Center at Sierra Health Foundation was selected as one of 10 recipients of an Obama Foundation MBK Community Challenge Impact grant to improve life outcomes for boys and young men of color.

Youth Fellowship

The Youth Fellowship establishes a brotherhood among young men of color ages 16 to 20 from across Sacramento who have an interest to engage in advocacy on behalf of other young men of color.


Visit the MBK Sacramento publications library for in-depth information and reports about the collaborative, resources and Youth Fellowship policy briefs.

Mentoring Program

MBK Sacramento is building on the strength of a community that is united around a common and critical goal: healthy development and successful futures for Sacramento’s young men of color.

Join the MBK Sacramento Collaborative!

This updated MBK Sacramento overview packet (.pdf) is designed for community members and leaders who are interested in joining the Collaborative. 

Contact the MBK Sacramento team!

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