MBK Guide to Action
My Brother’s Keeper Sacramento has been advancing change for boys and men of color since 2015. Led by Program Officer Ray Green, the strategy leads and steering committee unveil the 2023 – 2026 MBK Guide to Action—a strategy to unlock greater opportunities for Sacramento’s boys and men of color. View or download the MBK Guide to Action PDF now.

Brotherhood: My Brother’s Keeper Sacramento Youth Engagement Evaluation and Assessment Report
This report reflects the MBK Sacramento evaluation and assessment results from a landscape assessment, youth survey and virtual youth auto-ethnographies. The results affirmed the importance of investing in the collaborative’s leaders, particularly the young people who have sustained relationships, connections and performance accountability. E-mail The Center to request the Youth Engagement Evaluation and Assessment Report.

MBK Sacramento 2019 Youth Fellowship Policy Brief
When the 2018-19 MBK Sacramento Youth Fellowship cohort was given an opportunity to address an important issue in their community, they chose to research how growing up in single-parent homes impacts young men of color. More than 50 percent of the youth in this cohort come from single-parent homes. Their goal was to study a phenomenon that was impacting the young men as well as the community. E-mail The Center to request the 2019 Youth Fellowship Policy Brief.

MBK Sacramento 2018 Youth Fellowship Policy Brief
The MBK Sacramento youth fellows were given an opportunity to address an issue that they commonly see in their community and chose mental health. The youth fellows created this policy brief with their recommendations to help improve mental health for their communities’ young men of color. E-mail The Center to request the 2018 Youth Fellowship Policy Brief.

MBK Sacramento Guide to Action
When the 2018-19 MBK Sacramento Youth Fellowship cohort was given an opportunity to address an important issue in their community, they chose to research how growing up in single-parent homes impacts young men of color. Their goal was to study a phenomenon that was impacting the young men as well as the community. E-mail The Center to request the Guide to Action.

Making My Brother’s Keeper Real in Sacramento: A Community Options Guide
This document provides Sacramento community stakeholders options to help develop a plan and course of action for continued MBK Sacramento efforts. E-mail The Center to request the Community Options Guide.

My Brother’s Keeper Youth/Adult Convening Table Talk Summary
In September 2015, more than 450 youth, community leaders, policymakers, thought leaders and education partners participated in a conference focused on identifying solutions to issues impacting the lives of young boys and men of color. E-mail The Center to request the Table Talk Summary.

My Brother’s Keeper Recommendations Report Overview
This overview summary reflects conversations held at the Leadership Action Summit in March 2015, and includes recommended milestones and strategies. E-mail The Center to request the Recommendations Report Overview.