Highlights from SJVHF 2024 Equity on the Road Town Halls
This report highlights feedback from San Joaquin Valley residents during three Equity on the Road 2024 town halls in Bakersfield, Madera and Stockton. A total of 119 residents expressed their policy priorities using postcards at the town halls, articulating the importance of issues like environmental justice, education, housing and more.
Download Highlights from SJVHF 2024 Equity on the Road Town Halls (.pdf).

Census 2020 in the San Joaquin Valley
This report looks at the grassroots, community-driven outreach strategies implemented by The Center’s funded community partners to increase participation in the census among communities in the southern San Joaquin Valley that have been historically undercounted. The study was conducted by the Equity Research Institute at the University of Southern California and commissioned by The Center.

San Joaquin Valley Health Fund Participatory Evaluation Technical Assistance Final Reflections and Learnings
This report summarizes the participatory evaluation activities of San Joaquin Valley Health Fund partners and the technical assistance they received, and provides lessons for funders and others who are planning similar approaches to evaluation. This report was written by consultants at Learning for Action. The project was funded by W.K. Kellogg Foundation.
E-mail The Center to request the Participatory Evaluation Technical Assistance report.

Guide to Community-First Funder Collaboratives
This guide is intended to help foundations and other funders understand the value of community-led funder collaboratives and take the steps needed to build and implement them. It was written by Harder+Company Community Research and funded by Sierra Health Foundation and W.K. Kellogg Foundation.
E-mail The Center to request the Guide to Community-First Funder Collaboratives.

San Joaquin Valley Health Fund: Its Origins, Progress, and Future
This is a companion report to the Guide to Community-First Funder Collaboratives. It provides a full description of the San Joaquin Valley Health Fund model. It was written by Harder+Company Community Research and funded by Sierra Health Foundation and W.K. Kellogg Foundation.
E-mail The Center to request the Origins, Progress, and Future report.

Kern County: Geography of Inequity and Opportunities for Action
This report looks at the racial and health inequities in Kern County, as well as the power of community organizing for policy and systems change. UC Davis Center for Regional Change conducted the study for the San Joaquin Valley Health Fund with funding from The California Endowment.

California’s San Joaquin Valley: A Region and Its Children Under Stress
This report documents racial and health inequities and the effects they have on the lives and life chances of families raising children in the San Joaquin Valley. UC Davis Center for Regional Change conducted the study with funding from Sierra Health Foundation and W.K. Kellogg Foundation.
E-mail The Center to request A Region and Its Children Under Stress report.

Mapping Opportunity in California’s San Joaquin Valley
This report provides a review of inequities faced by San Joaquin Valley residents. Sierra Health Foundation commissioned the study, which was conducted by the UC Davis Center for Regional Change, as a resource and to inform our work through The Center.
E-mail The Center to request the Mapping Opportunity report.